- Packages -

Easy to understand. Easy to buy. There's no jargon in the pricing either.

Pay as you need expert

A simple way to manage your budget by purchasing time.

  • Borrow my brain for an hour
    £200 (remote)

  • Brain my brain for a day
    £700 (remote)
    £950 (in-person)

Get help with a specific project

Focused on delivering what you need right now.

  • Positioning overhaul of a single product or service
    £4,000 (remote)

  • Transform your entire business positioning
    £15,000 (remote)

Borrow my brain for an hour

£200 (remote)

Ways you can use this time:

  • Get a live review of your website homepage with actionable suggestions for content and structure improvements.

  • Get tips on how to conduct audience research that will help you position your products and services more effectively.

  • Get your burning positioning and copywriting questions answered.

Borrow my brain for a day

£700 (remote) | £950 (in-person)

Ways you can use this time:

  • Get a step-by-step guide of how to conduct the audience, competitor and own business research needed to refresh your positioning.

  • Get a detailed review of your full website with actionable suggestions for improvement.

  • Get ad hoc copy help with the tasks that have been niggling you (e.g. landing pages, lead magnets).

Positioning overhaul for a single product or service

£4,000 (remote)

You'll get:

  • Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research into your prospects' main challenges and priorities.

  • Full messaging structure for your product or service and a guide to how this should be presented and structured on your website.

  • A user-friendly CopyKit for your product or service - ensuring every member of your team can communicate its value effectively across all channels.

Transform your entire business positioning

£15,000 (remote)

You'll get:

  • Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research into your prospects' main challenges and priorities.

  • A full research-led refresh of your business positioning and messaging (including all products and services), so your prospects understand what you do, trust you and buy from you.

  • A user-friendly CopyKit for your business, ensuring every member of your team can communicate your value effectively across all channels and a guide to how this should be presented and structured on your website.

"Lisa has an exceptional ability to digest complex information and transform it into simple, meaningful and impactful content which can be easily and quickly absorbed by users."
Joe Osgood, Fused4

Get the ball rolling

If you're ready to make it easy for your prospects to understand what you do, trust you and buy from you, book a chat with me to get the ball rolling. You can also drop me an email if you prefer.

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